The Pain

The pain I feel is palpable in strength and ferocity. Its anger ripping through my flesh in fits of injustice and fear. Large gashes decorate my entirety, the blood pooling at my feet in some sticky display of pain and longing. My soles adhere to the surface, glued by gallons of torment until I forget how to move. Trapped within a prison of my own mind I starve and hallucinate that it will all be fine. Months without clippers I lash out at spectators with nails of diamond and steel wanting to see their blood dance across the ground as mine. Falling to the ground from exhaustion and loss blood quickly fills my mouth dripping from my eyes and nostrils until it is all I taste and feel. Heart wrenching sobs fill the silence.

I am damaged.

Crimson drops splatter across the ground as some goth band’s morbid drum beat pooling beneath my cheek until it is too sticky to speak. Only one constant remains as endless feet tread past.

The pain. Palpable to touch and too intense to feign. It fills my days and haunts my nights until I cannot even sleep. The pain of knowing my love does not want me anymore. And the unbearable pain from knowing I respect and love myself too much to ever want her back. Glued in place but not in time. Cursed to watch her life progress while struggling through mine.

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