The Amazon

I am as a forest, deep and dark within. Visitors struggle amongst the vines and brush at the entrance, working up a sweat just to see through the bars of trees and limbs. Hazards exist throughout the forest. Dangerous animals hungry for fresh blood pumping quickly and hot from an adrenaline high. Unknown plant species twirling betwixt roots and leaves upon the ground as if waiting for new feet to grasp. Some guests may gain entrance whether through force or cunningly climbing trees and brush, but once within there passes an awful hush. Each man must survive on his own against wilderness itself. Watch your step because once you believe you’ve entered the deepest, a pit of quicksand will suck you deeper until you suffocate within the very confines of my soul. Wrapped and sealed by the very essence of my being. Forever knowing me better than any before the deeper you drift, breathless and helpless to escape.

So then why should entrance be made easy when the hazards and quicksand make leaving near impossible? For the world’s good and mine, entrance to such a forest should be made as difficult as possible to preserve as much life and freedom and free flowing love as possible in a world dying from its loss.

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